REM Written by: Douglas Erdely REM On May 5,1986 CLS PRINT"MSBasic Scroll Demo" PRINT"Program written by:" PRINT"Douglas Erdely" PRINT"On May 5,1986" ts=TIMER Pause: tc=TIMER IF tc < (ts+4) THEN Pause REM ********************************** REM Scroll left then right then etc... REM ********************************** a%=0:b%=7:c%=(-1) FOR cycle%=1 TO 4 FOR delay%=1 TO 76 SCROLL(0,a%)-(150,b%),c%,0 SCROLL(0,a%)-(150,b%),c%,0 NEXT IF c%=-1 THEN c%=1 :ELSE IF c%=1 THEN c%=-1 a%=a%+8:b%=b%+8 NEXT REM ********************************** REM Print screen REM ********************************** CLS PRINT" " FOR x=1 TO 5 PRINT"****************************************************************************" PRINT"This is a demo of the scroll avaliable from MSBASIC, It is very easy to use," PRINT"and as you can see it is reasonable fast! This allows for some interesting" PRINT "effects, even from basic. NEXT x PRINT"****************************************************************************" REM ********************************** REM Scroll entire screen down and off! REM ********************************** FOR repeat% = 1 TO 100 SCROLL(0,0)-(620,200),0,1 SCROLL(0,0)-(620,200),0,1 NEXT REM ********************************** REM Re-print the screen REM ********************************** 100 CLS FOR x=1 TO 5 PRINT" ***************************************************************************" PRINT" This is a demo of the scroll avaliable from MSBASIC, It is very easy to use," PRINT" and as you can see it is reasonable fast! This allows for some interesting" PRINT" effects, even from basic. NEXT x PRINT" ***************************************************************************" REM ********************************** REM Shift the screen right, one fourth REM character at a time REM ********************************** FOR cycle%=1 TO 155 SCROLL(0,0)-(620,200),2,0 SCROLL(0,0)-(620,200),2,0 NEXT REM ********************************** REM Re-print the screen REM ********************************** CLS PRINT" " FOR x=1 TO 5 PRINT"****************************************************************************" PRINT"This is a demo of the scroll avaliable from MSBASIC, It is very easy to use," PRINT"and as you can see it is reasonable fast! This allows for some interesting" PRINT "effects, even from basic. NEXT x PRINT"****************************************************************************" REM ********************************** REM Window blind effect REM ********************************** a%=0:b%=7 FOR cycle%=1 TO 23 FOR delay%=1 TO 10 SCROLL(0,a%)-(620,b%),0,1 NEXT a%=a%+8:b%=b%+8 NEXT